Summary - Learning to Align and Translate

Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate (2014)

Authors: Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio


  • Task: Machine Translation (English - French).

  • Objective : argmaxy p ( y x ), maximize the conditional probability of target sentence y given source words x.
  • Encoder - decoder architectures were introduced as an alternative to phrase-based models.

  • Encoder produces a fixed-length vector for an input sequence, and the decoder tries to generate an output sequence from that vector.

  • Problem
    • Difficult to capture all the information in a single vector, especially for longer sequence words.
  • Solution
    • Introducing “Attention mechanism” to the decoder.

Proposed Idea

  • Instead of generating fixed-length vectors, whenever a decoder generates an output, it searches (soft-search) among source words where the most relevant information is present.

  • We primarily use RNN as our fundamental component for encoder and decoders.


  • Encoder (BiLSTM) accepts previous hidden state (ht-1) and input word (xt)
    • We are keeping only the hidden states, which we pass to next time step. equation, ht = f (xt , ht-1), where f is non-linear
  • Decoder (BiLSTM) accepts context vector (ci), previous output (yi-1) and last hidden state (si-1).
    • equation, yt = g (yt-1 , st , ct) , where g is non-linear

## image image source ## image image source

    1. Producing the Encoder Hidden States - Encoder produces hidden states of each element in the input sequence image image source
    2. Calculating Alignment Scores between the previous decoder hidden state and each of the encoder’s hidden states are calculated (Note: The last encoder hidden state can be used as the first hidden state in the decoder) image image source
    3. Softmaxing the Alignment Scores - the alignment scores for each encoder hidden state are combined and represented in a single vector and subsequently softmaxed image image source
    4. Calculating the Context Vector - the encoder hidden states and their respective alignment scores are multiplied to form the context vector image image source
    5. Decoding the Output - the context vector is concatenated with the previous decoder output and fed into the Decoder RNN for that time step along with the previous decoder hidden state to produce a new output image image source
    6. The process (steps 2-5) repeats itself for each time step of the decoder until an token is produced or output is past the specified maximum length
  • Overall Architecture image image source


  • Corpus - 348M words
  • Experimenting with 2 models
    1. RNNenc-dec (RNN encoder-decoder without attention)
    2. RNNsearch (RNN encoder-decoder with attention)
  • On 2 data setting, sentences of
    1. Length up to 30 words -> RNNencdec-30, RNNsearch-30
    2. Length up to 50 words -> RNNencdec-50, RNNsearch-50 image




These following papers inspire most of the paperwork.

  • Kalchbrenner, N. and Blunsom, P. (2013). Recurrent continuous translation models. InProceedingsof the ACL Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages1700–1709. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Sutskever, I., Vinyals, O., and Le, Q. (2014). Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks.InAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2014).
  • Cho, K., van Merri ̈enboer, B., Bahdanau, D., and Bengio, Y. (2014b). On the properties of neuralmachine translation: Encoder–Decoder approaches. InEighth Workshop on Syntax, Semanticsand Structure in Statistical Translation. to appear.